NarniaWebber ’Griffle’ has posted images of the cover art and inserts from "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" Widescreen Single-disc DVD Edition, as well as the disc itself.
Click here to read Griffle’s review for the DVD, including a description of the bloopers. (WARNING: Blooper Spoilers!) UPDATE: Griffle now has images of the menu screens included with the review.
1. Intoduction 2. Mrs. Macready 3. The Wardrobe 4. Mr. Tumnus’ House 5. Just Your Imagination 6. Hail the Queen! 7. Peter, Wake Up! 8. The World of Narnia 9. Beavers’ Home 10. Behond The Queen’s Castle 11. They’re After Us! 12. The Queen’s Lair 13. Across The Melting River 14. Aslan’s Camp 15. Sir Peter 16. The Lion And The Witch 17. Aslan’s Sacrifice 18. You Have To Lead Us 19. Battle for Narnia 20. Aslan’s Resurrection 21. Phoenix 22. Peter vs. The Witch 23. The Royal Coronation 24. Credits
Mármos, Uram-szólalt meg hivatalos komolysággal a buldog-,tisztázzuk,mi maga voltaképp?Állat, növény vagy ásvány?Igazában ezt mondta ,de Andrew bácsi csak annyit hallott belőle,hogy "grrr... arrr.... hau!"